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DSU: Klosterman Named Student Speaker for DSU Commencement

Plans may not turn out the way you initially imagine, said Mariel Klosterman, but if you apply yourself and give it time and effort you will be able to achieve your goals.

Ingalls Information Security: Unexpected Opportunities

Some of my biggest breakthroughs have come from opportunities I wasn’t expecting and from choices I almost didn’t make.

Go for Something You Like … & Utilize It, My Mentee Experience

I found my way into cybersecurity through what seemed like a chance encounter. As a high school student with an uncertain future and no idea of what to do upon graduation, my breakthrough came from a GenCyber camp for girls hosted by Dakota State University.

Sisters Create Cyber Resources

Annabelle and Mariel took this concept to heart and worked together to develop a new program within CybHER, the Cyber Community Club, or Cx3, a long-term community of like-minded individuals, with efforts to educate middle and high school boys and girls in the STEM fields of technology and cybersecurity.

Eye on KELOLAND: A home for cyber security research

“When I was growing up we didn’t have anything like that and the only way you could get into technology was if you knew someone,” Mariel Klosterman said.

CybHER® announces launch of Cyber Community Club

Dakota State University students Mariel Klosterman and Annabelle Klosterman observed that many states in the Midwest region have little or no access to resources that teach or promote education about technology and cybersecurity. With the assistance of Dr. Ashley Podhradsky and the sponsorship by CybHER Vault and First Bank & Trust, they created Cx3.

(ISC)2 Awards Nearly $100,000 in Cybersecurity Scholarships

“It is an incredible honor to receive the (ISC)2 Undergraduate Scholarship, and I am grateful to (ISC)2 and its scholarship committee for this amazing opportunity to give back,” said Mariel Klosterman, an undergraduate student at Dakota State University. “This scholarship supports my mission to become a cybersecurity leader who protects and defends my country from cyber threats, and influence others, especially the youth, to be cybersecurity-conscious.”

Madison Daily Leader: Klosterman Named Student Speaker for DSU Commencement

Plans may not turn out the way you initially imagine, said Mariel Klosterman, but if you apply yourself and give it time and effort you will be able to achieve your goals.